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Riding Clouds

The Journey Back to Paradise

Never underestimate how much you can change when you set yourself on a journey. Leticia Abasto wasn’t a religious person, but she had always believed strongly that there is a Creator of all. At a moment in her life, she felt like there was nothing else to lose and all she could feel was the feeling of being disconnected from everything. She understood that the only fixed thing in life is change, and this realization gave her the spark to set herself on a journey around the world to get connected with herself, the world, and the Creator of all.


On her journey, she went to Hawaii, Bolivia, the Galapagos Islands, Egypt, the Amazon Forest, Guatemala, Mexico, New York City, and death. The final destination of her journey is paradise. Meanwhile, her inner journey taught her about self-healing, unconditional love, inner strength and power, how we are interdependent and connected to nature, joyful living, non-existence, death, heaven, embodiment, and non-duality.


Riding Clouds, The Journey Back to Paradise is rich with insights. This priceless story can elevate us beyond change to transformation, and from there to a spiritual awareness of our nature. From moving out of her mother's house in Brazil to New York City on her own at the age of 17 years old, Leticia Abasto shares an important mindset about how to leave unfulfilling relationships, places, and identities that do not serve you. This book is for those who believe that life can be better than it is now.


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